Touring Tarangire National Park

Touring Tarangire National Park

 Tarangire National Park is in the northern circuit of Tanzania and is popular for large numbers of elephants, extraordinary trees- the baobabs, and other big games. Tarangire spans an area of about 2,850 square kilometers and, thus, is the sixth largest park in the country, but it provides a highly rewarding and quite a different and less crowded game viewing experience compared to the highly popular Serengeti or Ngorongoro Crater. The following is a typical sequence of events on a game drive safari in Tarangire National Park.

 Overview of Tarangire National Park

 Savannah, acacia wooded areas, and riparian areas are the major features of the Tarangire National Park. It is along the Tarangire River that runs through the park that most of the wildlife flock in search of water especially during the dry season. Due to the variety of ecosystems that exist in the park there are numerous plant and animal species that can be easily sighted.


 The park is home to an impressive array of wildlife, including The park is home to an impressive array of wildlife, including:

 – Mammals: Lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, warthogs, elands, antelopes and so on.

 – Birds: Over 550 bird species in the location such as the Kori bustard, ostriches, hornbills, and various strains of lovebirds.

 – Primates: Chiefly by baboons, vervet monkeys, and galagos.

Touring Tarangire National Park
Wildlife in Tarangire National Park

 Game Drive Experience

 Morning and Evening Drives

 Sighting of Animals during Game drives in Tarangire National Park result to be most effective in the Morning and early evening. It has been established that morning drives begin with the break of sundown; so people get an opportunity of observing animals that are most probably retiring for the night as well as those that are just likely to be ‘waking up from bed’. When driving at night, there are chances to see the golden light of the sunset and the endogenous activity of animals.

  Northern Sector

 It is a well-known fact that the northern sector of the park, which is near the main entrance, is the most popular part of it. This park encompasses open grasslands and acacia woodlands that give very good views of the animals. The Silale Swamp that is located in the northern part of the country is a viable Havens that attracts animals, particularly during the dry season.

  Central and Southern Sectors

 The central and southern parts are not as frequented as the northern part but the game viewing is similar in both areas. These areas consist of bum shrub and small baobab trees scattered all over the place. The southern potion on the other hand draws large crowds of tourist for elephant herds and predators.

  Tarangire River

 The Tarangire River is the only supply of water in the park and thus a major attraction when it comes to game drives. Wildlife is sighted during dry season because most of the animals come closer to the river in search of water. Various animals make water and banks of the river their source of water and grazing land, for example elephants, zebras, wildebeests, lions, and leopards.

  Highlights of a Game Drive Safari

  Elephant Herds

 It can be noted that Tarangire National Park is one of Tanzania’s most renowned parks by large elephant concentration. Large herds of up to 300 elephant could easily seen wandering in the park in search of water most times. They are the pride of the wilderness and they are extra special during a game drive; merging with a lion or a rhino is unforgettable.

  Baobab Trees

 Baobab trees of more than one thousand years can be found all over the park. It is the trees that are famous for a monkeys’ climb, these trees contribute a lot to the appearance of the park and contribute significantly to the habitats of various wildlife. Due to the large size of their trunks and increasingly unique forms, the trees also contribute further to the aesthetics of the park.

  Predators in Action

 This indeed is one of the most enjoyable experiences of game drive; seeing predators at work. Eagles are relatively easy to see in Tarangire, as are lions, if one is lucky you may see a pride hunting or still around in the shade. Leopards are also to be found but are more shy and can at times be seen lying in trees. Tigers are also found in the park and the open Savannah regions.

  Rich Birdlife

 Bird lovers will surely have a feast in this park. Around the park, there are over 550 bird species because of many habitats in this park. Among these the most commonly seen birds include; the Kori bustard, ostrich, hornbill and the brightly colored love birds. Birding can also be done when undertaking game drives and there are special birding tours.

  Seasonal Migration

 This is the period of small immigration when thousands of zebras, wildebeests and other bovids enter the park from the surrounding areas, from June to October in the dry season. These creatures bring along with them predators and the view of game is usually incredible during this time.

  Other Activities in Tarangire National Park

  Night Game Drives

 Tarangire National Park is among the few Tanzania’s wildlife parks where there are night drives as well. These night safaris present a good chance to observe the following nocturnal animals in the park; genets, civets, bushbabies as well as leopards though rare. The guided night tour which involves holders of flashlights inside the park is an adventure and at the same time a learning process.

  Walking Safaris

 Walking tours are also amazing in this park if one wants to close-up view of the terrains and the fauna. Likely, guided and on foot, you can penetrate the bush and be more familiar with the ecosystems, flora as well as the minor fauna of the park. The walks are very different from all the other tours and there is a very up-close-and-personal feel to them.

  Cultural Visits

 Most community enterprises that are established near Tarangire National Parks provide information regarding the traditional methods of living among people of that region. Tourist attractions of the social nature can include visits of the Maasai tribes and their villages where they will show their customs, dances, and produce their art works. These experiences therefore complement your safari by orientating you to the culture of the park in as much as it offers the physical appeal.

  Practical Information for Visitors

  When to Visit

 Relative to other parks in the country, especially during the dry season, Tarangire National Park is recommended for game drives during the middle of the year up to October. This period has better sightings of animals since they are concentrated around the river and other water sources. However, the park can be visited any time of the year and during the rainy season; November to May which presents a greenish land and colorful birds.


 Game drive safaris provide spectacular features in Tarangire National Park ranging from amazing views of the park’s natural landscapes to viewing of different species of wild animals. Being among the largest herds of elephants, to the giant trees of baobabs right to a bird’s eye view of the magnificent bird life, there is a variation of experience that the park offers. Make sure that you spend time on night game drives in addition to the more traditional day or dawn game viewing as well as walking safaris and cultural tourism to allow you to appreciate even more the natural and cultural endowments of this incredible location. Regardless of whether this is going to be your first time on a safari or you have been multiple times before, going to Tarangire National Park will definitely be value for your time and money.

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