Sezibwa falls is located in Buike district in the central part of takes approximately 32 kilometres from Kampala capital city of Uganda along the Kampala jinja highway and can take approximately 30 min to an hour drive depending on the traffic jam. These falls are found on river Ssezibwa that flows and empties its waters in lake Kyoga. This beautiful fall is located near Jinja Uganda’s tourist city. Sezibwa fall is also located strategically next to Mabira central forest reserve and the source of the Nile river. Sezibwa is seen along Bwanda river which two rivers are believed by the Baganda people to have been born by a woman known as Nakkungu Tebatuusa while on her way to Kavuma Bukunja. This woman’s husband was known as Nsubuga Sebwaatowho. The owner of the river is shared between the Buganda Kingdom authorities and Anglican Church of Uganda. These beautiful stories and more make it a great cultural treasure for Uganda. It is also important to note that a tour of a day is enough to explore Sezibwa falls, however one can add it to their long-term Uganda wildlife safaris and water safaris, Uganda gorilla safaris or Uganda Cultural safaris not to miss out on the beautiful experience at Sezibwa fall. Between the twin rivers born, one is called River Sezibwa while the other is called River Bwanda according to the locals. It is also fun to learn that, Sezibwa in Luganda which is the local language of the Baganda means ‘my path can never be blocked’. Sezibwa is approximately 150km long from the top to where it pours it waters in Lake Kyoga.

 Activities To Do At Ssezibwa Falls


SSezibwa falls has several numerous bird species that many it the paradise of bird watchers just like other different destinations in Uganda, they range from the water species, trees species and garden bird species. These variety of bird species include the following; woodland kingfisher, red chested cuckoo, Great blue, black mackins, snake birds, cormorants, lesser stripped swallows, red eyed dove, warblers, olive birds, parrots, grey headed sparrow, Red bellied paradise flycatcher, Black Bishop, African yellow White eye, Green throated sun bird and other different more.

The Majestic Famous River Of Ssezibwa

Visitors are offered an opportunity to visit the legend falls that carries a strong history to the Buganda People who believe the River is believed to have been born by a woman called Nakkungu Tebatuusa who gave birth to twins in a form of water and hence the believe to the Ssezibwa falls, Visitors are able to learn more about this river through the local guides around the community.

Sezibwa falls
Sezibwa falls

Wildlife Viewing

 Sezibwa water falls has numerous wild life species like red tailed monkeys, Squirrels, monkeys, monitor lizards, snakes among others that one can view while on Uganda safari tour at Sezibwa falls. Visitors can easily spot these especially while taking a walk around the water fall of Sezibwa. Creating beautiful experience that makes visitors trips worth having.

Climbing Of Rocks at Ssezibwa Falls.

 The sharp-edged rocks at Sezibwa offer an opportunity to the visitors for rock climbing enthusiasts. These rocks are spread throughout sezibwa waterfalls and are easy to climb and manoeuvre around as they are neither too high nor too low and offer a thrilling rock-climbing experience while exploring Sezibwa falls. However, this activity should be done under the guidance of a local tour operator


 After the sezibwa tour, one can move to the calm parts of the river and carry out fishing from the numerous fish species at the river. Some of these fish species include; Nile perch, Tilapia, mud fish to mention but a few. Methods such as baskets, fishing rods and nets can be used to fish and this activity is fun-filled and thrilling. These fish caught can also be used for preparing a meal.

Cultural Encounter

Arriving at  Sezibwa falls with a warm welcome of residents,  local tour guides to move you through the nearby villages and get a chance to visit the local shrines with traditional healers known as witch doctors who carry out rituals above the waterfall and people believe that these rituals help heal health problems, marriage problems, child bearing problems, protection from enemies, boosting one business, boosting harvests to mention but a few . One of the well-known shrines at Sezibwa is called ‘Mbuga ya  Musoke’ that locals claim to have a big snake called a python also locally known as ‘Nalongo’ where people spend days and nights offering sacrifices and ritual performances in order to delivered from all their sufferings. These people also believe that these shrines are a place to connect with their ancestors who died long time ago.

Ssezibwa falls is more than just a water but also a place to natural wonders, ecological Importance and cultural reverence, as a sacred site and cultural heritage landmark it embodies the spiritual connection between the Baganda people and the natural world. Ssezibwa falls continues to serve as a source of inspiration, education, and enjoyment for both tourists and local communities.

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