Rwanda lifted its ban on flights to and from Entebbe : Rwanda lifted its ban on flights to and from Uganda after a number covid-19 cases in Uganda have been controlled and decreasing due to the total lockdown that was pushed by the government during the country’s second covid-19 phase thus lowering the risk of new infections daily. It should be noted that although Uganda put in place a number of covid-19 safety measures to be followed which showed success in the first phase in the country with fewer deaths, little to no recording of covid-19 cases daily, a number of businesses, daily activities where left to operate but with the second wave which the people were not prepared for, it hit the people the most leading to closure of businesses because a number of people were losing their lives, new variants where also emerging worldwide and because Uganda was accommodating a number of tourists from different parts of the world and because of the fact that it was in second phase of the virus, a number of African countries banned flights that were coming from and going to the countries and among the notable countries included Rwanda.

Rwanda is among the African countries that have pushed a number of covid-19 safety measures in Rwanda to be carried out by the locals and the tourists as well which has ensured the government to control covid-19 cases in the country and in turn this has made a number of tourism activities in the country like gorilla trekking in Rwanda, chimpanzee trekking in Rwanda, hiking the Virunga mountains, game drives in Akagera national park tracking the big five animals in Rwanda , hiking trails in Nyungwe national park which are among the top tourism activities in Rwanda that tourists can participate in during covid-19. With the government of Uganda fighting hard to control new covid-19 variants and the existing ones, among the measures that have been carried out include mass vaccination, covid-19 campaigns that sensitize the masses on how to avoid the spread of the virus among other measures and with the decrease of the covid-19 cases, the government of Rwanda issued a public statement that with effect of 17th September 2021, Rwandair will resume flying tourists to Uganda.

With the lift of the ban, travellers that are interested in visiting Rwanda should put in mind that there are a number of covid-19 safety measures in Rwanda that should be followed to have an amazing experience in the country and these include;
- Fully vaccinated travellers do not have to self -isolate after reaching your home country or after visiting Rwanda.
- On reaching the country whether you have a negative covid-19 test before arrival in the country, you are advised to take another coovid-19 test to rule out your safety so that you’re not a threat to the locals and other tourists.
- When you arrive in the country, you’re advised to put on your face mask to avoid the risk of getting new covid-19 variants and spreading them and as you take part in the different activities in Rwanda to avoid the spread of the virus
- Travellers should maintain a distance of 6 feet from one another to avoid spreading the virus or contracting new variants because the virus can easily be spread through air and close contact with infected persons.
- Regular sanitizing with an alcohol based sensitizer of about 60% and washing of hands which are some of the main parts that spread the virus.
- All air passengers are required to have a negative covid-19 test taken within 72 hours before arrival to the country.
- A passenger locator slip should be filled for easy location in case some of the tourists came in contact with people with tourists with the virus.
- If you are exposed to covid-19 or waiting for your results you should avoid planning trips and travelling because you will be isolated in the government quarantine zones to avoid the spread of the virus and this can be done on their own money.