A Guide to the Best National Parks in Rwanda: Besides the orographic, Rwanda is well called “Land of a Thousand Hills” for its endemic and diverse wildlife. There exist several nationwide parks in the country and every park we have provides a different experience of the wild. Starting from the famous mountain gorillas of Volcanoes National Park up to Akagera National Park which embodies the Savannah, Rwanda presents every immersive wildlife experience for nature lovers. Based on the abovementioned tourism features, this paper aims to identify Rwandan National Parks, focusing on their offer in terms of wildlife.

A Guide to the Best National Parks in Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park: Home of the Mountain Gorillas

Volcanoes National Park found in the northwestern part of Rwanda is perhaps the most popular Rwandan national park easily associated with mountain gorillas. It was gazette in 1925 as the first national park in Africa and therefore has an important function to perform in the preservation of endangered primates.

Congo has become quite famous for gorilla tracking and you get to view these animals in their natural environment in the park. Tours to the sky country makes it easy to have a close encounter with not only the primates but also other animals such as the golden monkey, the forest elephants, and many species of birds. Tours are usually rather difficult: travelers should be in perfect shape, however, the possibility of seeing a family of gorillas is priceless.

It is best to go gorilla trekking during the dry seasons, June to September and December to February because trails are not as muddy. As for sustainable tourism, there is a limit to how many people can come through on any given day, and you must buy the permits for that day in advance.

Akagera National Park: A Safari Experience

Sitting in the eastern part of the country, Akagera National Park is not a popular destination as Volcanoes National Park but it is rife with a different kind of wilderness adventure. Spanning 1000 square kilometers of savanna, wetland, and woodland, it is a dream destination for anyone interested in fauna.

Akagera is home to the Big Five: The different big wild animals include elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and rhinoceros. Tourists can go for armed game viewing with the intention of searching for these animals and other wild beasts, the equines, giraffes, and various kinds of antelopes. The same park’s diverse habitat hosts more than 500 species of birds, making the park a birder haven.

Lakes in the park: Lake Ihema, ideal for a boat roaming, gives a different view of wildlife since you explore from the water. Tourists and visitors can go for ship barge rides to view hippos and crocodiles and to enjoy beautiful countryside scenery.

The best time for Akagera is during the dry season it is easy to sight animals since they tend to cluster around water points during this time it is from June to September.

A Guide to the Best National Parks in Rwanda
Boat Cruise in Akagera National Park

Nyungwe National Park: A Biodiversity Hotspot

Nyungwe is a large forest on the eastern border with Tanzania, which is divided between Rwanda and Burundi. Located over 1000 square kilometers, it is one of the oldest rainforests in Africa, and hunters can expect to find primates, birds, and many endemic plant species in the region.

Among attractions, it is possible to note an opportunity to meet many types of primates, including chimpanzees, which are traced on the hiking trails. It is rather exciting and informative to watch these, obviously, highly intelligent beings in their natural environment. Other Mayd has other primates that include the Colobus monkeys, the Blue monkeys, and the olive baboons.

Another big pull factor to Nyungwe is bird-watching since the region registers over 300 species of birds, with a number of them being endemic. We are endowed with a network of trails, proper ones, that enable one to navigate through various vegetation types, waterfalls, and beautiful views from this park.

As an extra thrill, the Nyungwe Canopy Walkway will prove quite stimulating for adventure enthusiasts. It is a bridge suspended from steel cables and anchored high up in a tree and leaves a view of a different side of the rainforest as well as a chance to view wildlife from an aerial platform.

The best time to visit Nyungwe National Park is during late in the dry season from June-August, and December to February when trails are relatively easier and likely to see more animals.

Gishwati-Mukura National Park: A Hidden Gem

Gishwati-Mukura National Park is amongst the recently established park, that was gazetted in 2016. Situated in the southwestern part of the country most tourists do not get a chance to visit the area, it provides a better experience for any tourist who wishes to explore rural areas.

The park has many natural features, such as exotic forests, intense slopes, and waterfalls among others. It also hosts different kinds of wild lives such as the eastern chimpanzees, which are on the list of endangered species, golden monkeys, and different kinds of bird species. Hiking tours thus give one a chance to view these monkeys and examine other features of this park.

Another strength here at the park is conservation efforts and the support of the local community. Tourists are free to engage themselves in various campaigns for society for instance environmental conservation, and tourism that do not harm the community. Interacting with people in the surrounding areas increases the richness of the value of a visit and fosters acknowledgment of as well as respect for the park’s biotic components.

The best time to visit this park is during the dry seasons as the region’s tracks are more easy to access and animals are easily spotted.

Preparing for your Wildlife Adventure

When planning your wildlife adventure in Rwanda, consider the following tips to enhance your experience:

– Book Permits in Advance: With respect to activities that include gorilla trekking, permits are limited and one has to book earlier enough to clinch a place.

– Pack Appropriately: Shoes for hiking and comfortable clothing that would enable you to travel with ease during the tour are recommended. Take along items such as binoculars for wildlife watching, and better still, a camera for great photo opportunities.

– Respect Wildlife: It is good to abide to the rules and regulations set by the park authority to avoid endangering the animals or your own life.

A Guide to the Best National Parks in Rwanda: Conclusion

Big game viewing is a major highlight of the many national parks in Rwanda to make it a perfect place for tourists. Starting with the mountain gorillas of the Parc National des Volcanoes to the many species of animal and plant life in the Parc National de l’Akagera these parks offer a chance to interact with nature in the most fascinating way in this diverse country. While in these national parks, tourists not only come across lots of memorable experiences but also meaningfully assist Rwanda in the preservation of wildlife. Whether you are visiting Rwanda for the famous gorilla tracking or taking a calming boat ride through the country’s water channels, expect the best.

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