Major Activities to do in Akagera National Park.

 Major Activities to do in Akagera National Park

Game drives: Game drives in Akagera are a fascinating safari experience this activity can be carried on either in the early morning hours around 6 am because the animals are very active or afternoon around 2 pm or even at night however night Game drives can be at an extra cost, All these sections in which game drives are done they offer a rewarding wilderness experience where different animals like Lions, buffaloes, elephants, antelopes among many more primates that inhabit in this Park.

During game drives, Park knowledgeable guides are allocated to every team or group embarking on a game drive because they can only be able to allocate the areas where these animals can be found and will take you to the right spots while sharing important information visitors need to know about the different species and their names.

Among very few National Parks and National Reserves that offer Night Game Drives Akagera is on the list that arranges and offers rewarding and amazing night Game drives. Night game drives are conducted using torches and lights with an open-roof vehicle to allow visitors to spot nocturnal animals like a genet, mongoose, bushbabies, owls, nightjar, leopards, and hyenas which can be very tricky and hard to get during the day.

 Major Activities to do in Akagera National Park
Game drives in Akagera Park

Boat Trips: a safari boat cruise at Lake Ihema is an amazing renowned activity that is offered at Akagera National Park  While you’re on your boat safari you are able to spot water animals like crocodiles, hippos, and elephants drinking some water along the shores. A few birds can also be spotted such as African darter, African jacana, blue-headed coucal, cormorant, fish eagles, kingfishers, marsh flycatcher, and the open-bill stork. Please note that the boat can only take from 1 to 11 persons only Only 11 persons only, however, a Boat safari is a very relaxing and breathtaking activity to participate in.

Birdwatching: with over 500 bird species in the Park  Bird watching in Akagera is a great activity to do which provides opportunities to spot all the birds. There are a few forest birds and Albertine Rift species and those of Savannah and woodland species that can be spotted in the park. Some of these bird species we can talk of are the Arnot chat, black-headed gonolek, double-toothed barbet, Sauza shrike, lilac-breasted roller, Meyer’s parrot, Ross’s turaco, red-faced barbet and the long-tailed cistola. The great Shoebill stock can be spotted in the park however they aren’t Many in the Park.

 Fishing:  with all the water bodies in Akagera National Park it is undoubtedly the perfect destination for fishing. The shores of Lake Shakani are great spots for fishing the Tilapia and catfish. Fishing is a very fun activity that is recommended to all visitors to this Park. Fishing tournaments are arranged frequently and winners are rewarded with a chance to prepare and eat their catch.

Nature walks: Guided Nature walks are conducted at the Park. Nature walks in the Park. A walk-through selected section of the park gives visitors an  opportunity to appreciate the great biodiversity in the park. The nature walks involve following established park trails that lead to forests, lakes, and swamps that are within the Park.

Cultural Visits and encounters: engaging with Rwandan culture and their traditions like dance which is called Amaraba dance. community visits are led by community guides. During these cultural visits, tourists learn how the locals take care of their long-horned cows, make beer, prepare food, and celebrate important seasons of the year. Visitors can help with milking the cows, taste some of the local food, and dance to local music.

Hot air balloon: A hot air Balloon was recently introduced in Akagera National Park as a fascinating activity that offers beautiful views of this Park however the Hot air Flight carries 6 people and not beyond that, offering a rewarding and exciting experience that will forever be in your mind.

The best time to go visit Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park can be toured or visited throughout the year. Tourism activities at this park operate very single day but its recommended to visit the park during the dry season when it’s not muddy and slippery. The rainy season occurs in certain months of March and April making the roads difficult to pass through. The best time to visit the park is between December and February. The rains have stopped then but the park is still green from the previous rainy season. At this time of the year, many of the waterholes get dry and the animals go to the few remaining pools. This makes it easy to spot them in one point unlike in the rainy season. Some visitors will find the hot temperatures and dusty roads difficult to bear.

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