Covid-19 Safari Policy
Due the Coronavirus pandemic that has wrecked the entire world and affected thousands of people globally; World leaders together with the different countries including Rwanda have instructed the public to follow specific guidelines to abate the spread of this virus. Some of these precautionary measures have included travel restrictions and closure of country entry points, halting flights, limited entry to tourist attractions and facilities. Hence this has affected mainly the Tourism industry of Rwanda and other travel destinations and this has affected safari travel plans of our esteemed guests.
Therefore Explore Rwanda Tours in compliance to the given health and safety guidelines, operational requirements and regulatory obligations, we wish to inform our esteemed guests that we have revised our Booking policies that will be applied during the COVID – 19 period and these new guidelines will only apply during the COVID – 19 pandemic periods. These include as below;
- The cancellation policy on the website “will not” apply during this period of the pandemic
- All already confirmed booking of the safaris “will only” be postponed to a period of the client’s choice valid till December 2023.
- There will be no extra fees charged for postponed bookings.
We, therefore, appeal to our guests to follow the provided guidelines and stay safe in your homes.
Thank you